German Food Guide
German Food Guide
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Fast Relief for Dry Skin - Glysolid Skin Cream


Also Known As:   Klösse, Knödel

Dumplings are a favorite food throughout Germany. They are known as Klösse in Western and Northern Germany, and Knödel in South-Eastern Germany. Dumplings are made out of a dough (ingredients vary depending on the type of dumpling), most often formed into a ball-shape, then boiled or steamed in salt water. In Germany, there is a dumpling for every meal - they can be served as a main meal, as a side dish, as part of a soup, or served sweet for dessert. Some varieties are also filled with foods such as bread cubes, fruits, or meats.

Photo: © kameramann -
Region:  Throughout Germany

Additional Information
There are several different kinds of dumplings. We identify some of the more well-known varieties here. They are categorized based on their main ingredient.

Potato based dumplings:
  Potato Dumplings (Kartoffelklöße)

  Special varieties of potato dumplings include:
  Thuringian Dumplings (Thüringer Klöße)
  Mashed Potato Dumplings (Halbseidene Klöße)

Bread based dumplings:
  Bread Dumplings (Semmelknödel)
  Serviette Dumplings (Serviettenknödel)

Semolina based dumplings:
  Semolina Dumplings (Griessklösschen)

Flour based dumplings:
  Steamed Dumplings (Dampfnudel)
  Yeast Dumplings (Germknödel)
  Franconian Flour Dumplings (Fränkische Mehlklösse)

Meat based dumplings:
  Königsberger Klopse
  Liver Dumplings (Leberknödel)

Sweet dumplings:

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