German Food Guide
German Food Guide
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In the German cuisine, vegetables are most often served in casseroles, soups, and as side dishes. Among the favorites in German cooking are potatoes, various types of cabbage, carrots, spinach, peas, asparagus, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, and various types of salads. Onions are mainly served with meat dishes or as ingredients in many recipes. Sauerkraut is also a favorite throughout Germany.

Potatoes are one of the most important foods in German cuisine and they are most often served as side dishes. They are served in many different ways: boiled, pan fried, deep fried, mashed, dumplings, Kroketten, pancakes, in soup and stews, in casseroles, etc. Germany belongs to the top potato consuming countries. In fact, on average, each German consumes 150 pounds (70 kg) of potatoes annually.

Asparagus is so loved in Germany it is nicknamed "Königsgemüse (King's Vegetable)," "Frühlingswonne (Springtime Delight)," and "Zartes Elfenbein (Soft Ivory)". The asparagus season begins in April and runs through June. During this time, asparagus are on the menu at many restaurants and homes in Germany. Asparagus is enjoyed as a main meal, as a side dish, or in soups and casseroles.
Below, we list several of the most popular vegetables used in German cooking. Select a vegetable below to get detailed information and recipes.
Asparagus (Spargel)
Brussels Sprouts (Rosenkohl)
Cauliflower (Blumenkohl)
Green Cabbage (Weisskraut)
Kale (Grünkohl)
Potatoes (Kartoffel)
Red Cabbage (Rotkraut)
Savoy Cabbage (Wirsing)
Squash (Kürbis)

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