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The word Blech means "sheet" so a Blechkuchen is a cake that is baked in a large baking sheet, like a sheet cake. These cakes are usually rectangular in form and they are cut into squares for serving. There is no one "typical" Blechkuchen because it is how the cake is baked (in a large baking sheet) that makes it a Blechkuchen, not its ingredients. In fact, there are so many different varieties of Blechkuchen because many kinds of doughs and toppings can be used.

Tradionally, Blechkuchen are made with a yeast dough or a dough that can be easily rolled out. Cake batters, which are thinner in consistency, can be used too for quickness and simplicity. However, cake batters turn out much softer and can become too moist (soggy) from fruit toppings, so toppings that contain less moisture work best.

There are an unlimited number of Blechkuchen varieties. In the recipe section below we list some of the most well-known ones. 

Throughout Germany 

Main Ingredients
The dough is tradionally made with flour, sugar, eggs, butter, and yeast for leavening. Toppings and/or fillings can include any fruit that is good for baking (such as apples, pears, plums, blueberries, raisins), cream, cream cheese, pudding, crumbs, nuts, and even savory toppings like onions.

Butterkuchen  (Butter Cake)
Butterkuchen mit Quarkteig  (Butter Cake made with Quark)
Streuselkuchen  (Crumb Cake)
Zwiebelkuchen  (Onion Cake)
Glühweinkuchen  (Glühwein Cake)
Heidelbeerkuchen  (Blueberry Cake)
Apfel-Zupfkuchen  (Apple Cake with Cocoa-Crumb Topping)
Obstkuchen mit Walnusskernen  (Fruit Cake with Walnuts)
Apfel-Streuselkuchen  (Apple Crumb Cake)

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