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German Food Guide
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Fast Relief for Dry Skin - Glysolid Skin Cream


Also Known As:   Hefeweizen Dark, Dunkelweizen

Dunkelhefeweizen is the dark version of the Hefeweizen. It is made from both wheat and barley malts. The malts are caramelized or roasted malts, which gives the beer both its color and its complexity.

Photo: © Bayerischer Brauerbund e. V.
Classification:  Vollbier

Type of Beer:  Ale

Alcohol Content:  5.4%

Extract Value:  11-14%

IBU:  13.5

Region:  Mainly in Bavaria (Bayern) but growing in popularity throughout Germany

Well Known Brands
Spaten-Franziskaner, Paulaner, Erdinger, Schneider Aventinus

Beer Characteristics
Malty, low bitterness. Chocolate flavors. Brown and murky. The usual clove and fruity (banana) characters will be present, some may even taste like banana bread.

Serving Suggestions
For optimal taste, serve chilled (46-50° F / 8-10° C).

Store Dunkelhefeweizen beer in a cool, dark place - where no sunlight can reach it (sunlight harms the flavor of the beer). Also, store upright, so that the yeast falls to the bottom of the glass.


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