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German Food Guide
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Duesseldorfer Alt

Also Known As:   Alt, Altbier

Düsseldorfer Alt (also known as Altbier) is a dark ale. It is consumed primarily in Düsseldorf and North Rhine-Westphalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen).

       Duesseldorfer Alt
Photo: © Deutscher Brauer-Bund
Classification:  Vollbier

Type of Beer:  Ale

Alcohol Content:  4.8%

Extract Value:  11.5%

IBU:  50

Region:  Mainly in Düsseldorf and North Rhine-Westphalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen), but available throughout Germany

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Beer Characteristics
Strong hops aroma. Copper-colored. Firm creamy head (foam). Medium bodied and a dry finish.

Serving Suggestions
For optimal taste, serve chilled (46-50° F / 8-10° C) and in a traditional tall, straight-sided, 0.2 liter (6.75 fl oz) glass. Altbier goes well with pork, roasted chicken, salmon, as well as Gouda and Camembert cheese.

Altbier is an ancient ale (all beers were ales before lagers were invented in Bavaria in the 16th century). Originally, it was known simply as "Beer" (Bier). However, in the 1800's it became officially known as "Altbier" and earned its distinction as a modern beer style.

The name Altbier is derived from the Latin "altus," meaning top, refering to the beer's top-fermentation. 

Additional Information
Altbier is similar to the Kölsch.


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