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Doppelsticke Doppelsticke (Double Sticke) is an extra strong Sticke beer. It is imported in small quantities to the United States, where it is available in select specialty outlets during the cooler months of the year.
Classification: Starkbier
Type of Beer: Ale
Alcohol Content: 8.5%
IBU: 75
Region: Düsseldorf
Well Known Brands
Beer Characteristics
The hop aroma is big and herbal. The palate is rich, oily, and dry. Expressive hoppiness. Dramatic aromas of pineapple and grapefruit.
Serving Suggestions
Goes well with roasted pork, goulasch, roasted chicken, and seafood. Also pairs well with Gouda and Camembert cheese.
Doppelsticke was created by the Altbier brewpub Uerige in Düsseldorf.